Jan-Philipp Litza

Blog - Page 3

Dotfile repository

Something that I should have done waaaay earlier: I finally collected some of the configuration files that I would like to have on every computer (and that I mostly only stole from someone else myself) into a dotfile repository for me to keep in sync and everybody else to copy and use ad libitum.

Terminal bell after long running commands

Sometimes I wonder “Why on earth didn’t I think of this before?”. Today was such a day, when I thought: Why not get notified automatically when long running commands in a terminal finish? Actually, there’s a mechanism in the window manager for highlighting windows needing attention. Why shouldn’t a terminal prompt after a long running command be such a situation?

Unicode Emojis for Gajim

I am a huge fan of Unicode emojis, because they are so universally usable. And I am a huge fan of XMPP. My XMPP desktop client of choice is Gajim, because it supports every XEP I care for. But until now, Gajim didn‘t support Unicode emojis. Those that were supported by my system font showed up as black and white icons, but that’s nothing compared to the fancy colorful images that show up on, for example, Android.

Design changes and typographic improvements

While reading the excellent Practical Typography (thanks to Fefe for the recommendation), I noticed that while my LaTeX documents all are (of course) quite well formatted, my website is a mess. In particular, the line length was terribly long and the font smaller than it needed to be. By increasing the font size, a switch to a serif font was feasible, because the details (serifs) now had more space. And lazy (and budget-less) as I am, I decided to give the free font “recommended” by the book, Charter, a try. I liked it, and complemented it with Source Code Pro as the monospace font for source code.

Sandboxing processes

Yesterday, my interest in sandboxing a program I didn’t fully trust finally surpassed my laziness to look at namespaces again. And after a few hours of coding, I created a small script that uses unshare to encapsulate the newly launched process in new namespaces of all kinds (not much work there) and hardens the filesystem so that effectively, (hopefully) the only writable persistent directory is $PWD, the process sees a minimal /dev and fresh copies of temporary filesystems. In case you are interested in the script, here it is: